What Does Ye Thou Art Thy Most Gleeking Fensucked Flirtgrill Person in Thy Rome

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and reject thy name.
Or if 1000 wilt non, be but sworn my honey
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

William Shakespeare

I grew up in Hetton-le-Pigsty. It was a pit boondocks and the pit was Eppleton Colliery. Until the 1980s, nigh people worked in an industry in some way connected to the colliery and most spoke, proudly or reluctantly, "pitmatic".

Shakespeare was easy for u.s. at school: the Bard's "thee" and "thou" were office of our daily lives. "Yard's lookin' tired" my grandad might say. "What's thee been up tee? Been on the tubloadin' agin?" Occasionally, you might even hear verbs conjugated with -est equally in "Dost yard desire a cuppa?"

"Thou" was pronounced "thoo" to rhyme with "shoe"; "thee" was sometimes truncated to sound more like "the". "Thy" (your) was always but "thy". But they were the same pronouns that Shakespeare employed to poetic event in his plays and sonnets; the same pronouns Thomas More than used to criticise the nature of tyranny in his History of King Richard III; the pronouns of the King James Bible ("Thou shalt not impale.") and of Chaucer.

All of this is a roundabout style of maxim that what sometimes looks like slang is frequently a more than aboriginal (in some ways, a more pure) version of English – an English language that hasn't gone for modern fads like dropping a pronoun and simplifying the system of declension.

Looking into this further…

  1. Which lexemes do one thousand, thee and thy correspond to in standard English today? How would you describe each? E.grand. first person singular possessive.
  2. Are there any other pronouns nosotros have lost? How would you draw them? Eastward.g. second person singular (object).
  3. What were the social rules governing the use of thou and you? What language change process is at work in the decline of these pronouns?
  4. Shakespeare used thou fifty-fifty though information technology was already out of way in Elizabethan London: none of his rivals used information technology. Why do you think he continued to utilise it? What can you deduce about language alter, based on the fact he connected to utilize thou, and to conjugate the verb ("thou canst not say…"), right up to the end of his career? Whose theories of linguistic communication change would support your ideas?
  5. Considering my granddaddy and other speakers in Hetton-le-Hole, why do you think the utilise of thousand, thee and thy persisted in this area? Can the same theories of language change be used to support your ideas hither? Can you think of any other features of language in the Northward East (lexis, grammer and / or syntax) that you lot could too use to support this theory?
  6. Access David Crystal's blog at http://www.davidcrystal.com/books-and-articles/shakespeare. Look at his commodity "The Language of Shakespeare". In your own words, summarize the section entitled Manipulating Early Modern English Rules. Attempt to limit your writing to 10 bullet points, giving examples where advisable. Read the rest of the article and write at least 5 additional bullet points near other language change issues or ideas that Shakespeare'south work tin can be used to illustrate.
  7. Consider a dialect that you're familiar with or that you are interested in: Mackem, Geordie, South Shields, Pitmatic, Cockney, "dee-da" (the Sheffield accent!) are all fantabulous examples. Support and recordings can be found on the BBC Voices project https://sounds.bl.uk/Accents-and-dialects/BBC-Voices. Identify as many different lexemes as possible that are feature of that dialect. Where possible, inquiry their etymology: endeavour to identify which are slang, and which are legacies of older forms of English. Y'all could present your ideas as a graph, with a short analysis of what your information shows, along with an evaluation of your methodology.

Happy language investigating!

Mr. Stebbing



Source: https://mrstebbingenglish.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/thee-thou-and-thy/

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