what iron is a 7 wood equal to

A hybrid vs fairway wood nautical chart is helpful if you always wondered which golf club to employ and cannot decide between hybrid golf clubs vs fairway woods.

  • 1) What is the Difference Between Fairway Wood and Hybrid
  • 2) Fairway Woods vs Hybrids
    • 2.one) Fairway Forest
    • 2.two) Hybrid
  • three) Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart
    • 3.1) Hybrid Distance
    • iii.2) Wood Distance
    • iii.3) Construction Specifications
  • 4) What are Different Swing Techniques
    • 4.1) Swing Techniques
  • 5) What are Different Handicap Bracket
    • 5.1) 0-5 Handicap
    • 5.ii) 6-10 Handicap
    • five.3) 11-xv Handicap
  • vi) How does 5 wood friction match up with other hybrid clubs?
    • 6.1) 5 Woods vs 3 Hybrid
    • six.2) 5 Forest vs 4 Hybrid
  • seven) How does 3 woods friction match upwards with other hybrid clubs?
    • 7.ane) 3 Forest and Hybrid
    • 7.ii) three Wood vs Commuter
    • 7.3) 3 Hybrid and 5 Wood
  • viii) How does 2 hybrid match up with other wood clubs?
    • 8.one) two hybrid vs 3 wood
    • 8.two) 2 hybrid vs 5 wood
  • ix) How does 7 wood lucifer upwards with other wood clubs?
    • 9.1) Swinging
    • nine.2) Replacement Lodge
    • 9.3) Clubhead Size
    • 9.4) seven Fairway Wood vs. Hybrid
  • 10) Do you striking fairway woods like irons?
    • x.1) Fairway Woods vs Irons
  • eleven) FAIRWAY-LL thoughts
  • 12) More Information
    • 12.1) Golf Clubs - Related Manufactures
    • 12.2) Bank check-Out Our Product Reviews & Recommendations

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart

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A detailed comparison of these types of golf clubs may simply help you make up one's mind on which one to become for!

But before we go on, practise you know Elrick Tont Forest? Or peradventure the name Tiger Woods sounds more than familiar?

He is known to bear fairway wood with him all the fourth dimension in the golf course, and he has garnered 109 wins in his professional career!

On the other hand, Phil Mickelson, who is more of a hybrid society-type, won iii principal titles, a PGA Championship, and an open championship.

So if y'all want to find out if you're more of a hybrid-type like Mickelson or a fairway-blazon like Woods, possibly this hybrid vs. fairway woods nautical chart can help!

What is the Difference Between Fairway Wood and Hybrid

So what is the departure between fairway forest and hybrid? If y'all're looking into ownership a new club, y'all might exist considering hybrid vs wood.

If you're weighing the features and differences between fairway woods vs hybrids, their main difference is actually on their usage. Both fairway woods or hybrid works proficient for altitude shots.

Fairway wood, simply as the name implies, is used mostly for hit shots direct off the turf of the fairway.

On the other paw, hybrid clubs combine the use of forest and fe clubs together so you can hit longer shots hands and accurately.

Most golfers are comfy using a 7-fairway wood vs hybrid golf club. There are also debates trying to compare fairway woods vs. irons and fairway metallic vs. fairway woods.

Simply we are going to focus on what is the difference between fairway wood and hybrid clubs.

There are important things to consider when evaluating your pick betwixt hybrid vs wood which includes:

  • Hybrid distance chart
  • Hybrid vs fairway wood chart
  • Hybrid vs wood distance chart, or hybrid vs fairway wood distance chart

It will help you make the right choice to know these details to find out what will piece of work all-time for specific game situations.

To discover out which club yous think y'all are most comfortable using, let's start out by taking a wait at a more detailed comparison of fairway wood vs hybrid golf clubs.

Fairway Wood vs Hybrids

Fairway Woods

Fairway woods are besides known as the college-number wood, and almost club sets include at to the lowest degree one fairway wood.

When comparing hybrid golf clubs vs fairway forest, the latter can be hit off the basis easier. Furthermore, between hybrid irons vs fairway wood, fairway wood tend to be more accurate.

It works best for accurately hitting long-distance shots, like the second shot of a par-v, from off the turf of the fairway.

Since it has a college loft to lift the ball out and a shallower face height, it provides greater distance for shots like this.

Information technology will significantly assistance to review the bear altitude of hybrid irons vs fairway woods in the hybrid vs wood distance chart.

The hybrid vs wood distance chart will make up one's mind the potential launch and driving range once you employ a specific club.

The higher lofted ones are not equally common equally a upshot of the development of hybrid varieties years ago. Because of its construction, information technology's no wonder we're comparing fairway wood or hybrid clubs.


The pattern of hybrids makes it suitable for distances for specific yardages that are commonly less than a fairway woods and longer than a mid-iron.

Thus, comparing hybrid irons vs fairway forest is a quite expected talk.

But generally, hybrid irons vs fairway forest have a similar loft in performance and launch trajectory, but it has less carry altitude.

Its carry distance in the hybrid altitude chart is typically higher than its comparable iron number.

When looking into hybrid vs wood, the start thing to note is that hybrids are by and large used every bit replacement clubs for long irons. This is because many players struggle to hit long irons well.

Furthermore, when comparing fairway woods vs hybrids, hybrids also work as a direct replacement for fairway forest.

Since it has shorter shafts, hybrids are relatively easier to manipulate, and it releases the ball at a higher trajectory with an extra spin when comparison fairway wood vs hybrids.

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Nautical chart

Hybrid Distance

Hybrid vs Wood Distance Chart: Hybrid Distance Chart

It is essential to expect at the hybrid distance chart to make up one's mind which number would piece of work best for different distances. Information technology lists the expected range for each club based on the swing speed for men and women.

The varying number of hybrids typically corresponds to wood and atomic number 26. The only difference is it has a slightly longer shaft than atomic number 26 while it looks like a smaller version of wood.

For example, 3-hybrid corresponds to a iii-iron with a maximum of 170 to 220 yards for men and 125 to 180 yards for women. The distance gets lower and lower for higher-number hybrids, like to iron.

It will also set up you, later on, to review the comparison between hybrid irons vs fairway forest when looking at the hybrid vs fairway wood distance nautical chart.

Wood Distance

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Distance Chart

Should you comport a fairway woods or hybrid? Aside from the hybrid distance chart, you accept to review the hybrid vs wood altitude chart before choosing between fairway wood or hybrid.

You can notice various hybrid vs fairway wood distance chart during your research, but what you lot will notice is that the numbers would rarely match.

This is because more than than the hybrid golf clubs vs fairway forest comparison, the distance would depend more on the thespian and their skills.

However, it would still help to accept hybrid vs fairway wood distance chart number estimates into consideration to meliorate prepare you in the course.

Construction Specifications

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart: Construction Specifications

In terms of construction, a hybrid's clubhead is heavier than a fairway wood since it is both fabricated of wood and iron. The hybrid's head is deeper and denser compared to that of a fairway wood.

Its hollow, slightly convex face allows your shots to have a greater touch on combined with faster swing speed. Due to this, hybrids aid you have ameliorate accurateness.

On the other hand, fairway woods generally have an about spherical head and accept bulging clubfaces. Information technology as well has flat soles that aid you to swing without digging the ground and just but slides over it.

Classic fairway wood club heads are generally made out of beech wood or ash. Just then, persimmon and maple became more pop materials to exist used for fairway wood.

In that location are also fairway golf clubs that are made out of metal and are known equally fairway metals. But it would not be discussed here which is better between fairway metals vs fairway wood.

Fairway forest have two design features: a higher loft and a shallower face top. These features help players to hands hit the brawl from the ground and go them to hit longer shots.

The higher loft and a shallower face peak of fairway woods enable the players to hit their shots off the basis more easily than by using deep-faced drivers.

The traditional fairway forest have a very thick hosel that connects the shaft and the caput, but the trade-off here is that this blazon of golf club has a higher center of gravity.

The hybrid golf clubs are made without hosels; that's why they have a deeper center of gravity.

What are Different Swing Techniques

You may also be request yourself, "What is the difference between fairway wood and hybrid in terms of swing techniques and ball positioning?". If yep, then here is a nautical chart that can help y'all find out the reply:

Swing Techniques

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart: Swing techniques

So how do swing techniques between fairway forest vs. hybrid differ? Let'southward accept a look!

The histrion's stance when using a fairway woods should be a "frontwards" stance or a opinion with most iii inches inside the left heel for a right-handed player and to the correct heel for a left-handed player.

The swing must be a more leveled i, and the clubhead must be parallel to the ground as it hits the ball.

The brawl should exist in the middle position of the player's opinion, and the player'due south swing must be steep equally the fairway hits the brawl.

When a player hits an splendid shot on a fairway with a hybrid club, the histrion must do a divot behind the landing position of the ball.

What are Dissimilar Handicap Subclass

Then what is the deviation between fairway wood and hybrid across different handicap brackets?

In this section, I will discuss how the diverse hybrid golf clubs vs. fairway woods golf clubs perform given information points on the post-obit:

tee shot distance, arroyo shot distance, fairway hitting pct, and greens in regulation (GIR) percent.

These data points volition also be clustered into different handicap brackets.

0-five Handicap

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart: 0-5 Handicap

In that location is a vast difference between the v clubs. When hitting arroyo shots, 5-wood and 3-hybrid almost travel the same distance of 175 players in a 0-5 handicap bracket.

But when hitting shots off the tee, the three-wood displays an advantage amid the other iii clubs. The data also shows that 3-woods has a higher fairway hit percentage than those shots with five-wood and 3-hybrid.

half-dozen-10 Handicap

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart: 6-10 Handicap

For tee and approach altitude shots using the 2- and 3-hybrids, minimal differences have been recorded in the 6-x handicap bracket.

For the 3-hybrid, all the same, it has the lowest hit percentage for fairways among players belonging to this handicap bracket.

11-xv Handicap

Hybrid vs Fairway Wood Chart: 11-15 Handicap

In an 11-15 handicap bracket, the same fix of hybrid golf game clubs and fairway woods are tested for their operation.

It tin be seen from the chart above that the 3-hybrid performs poorly on an off the tee shot compared to its approach shot.

Same as in the 6-ten handicap subclass, the 3-hybrid still has the lowest fairway striking percentage.

How does 5 wood friction match upwardly with other hybrid clubs?

5 woods or hybrid? When choosing between 5 woods or hybrid, you'll detect that these 2 clubs actually take different usage.

Since they work differently, many players carry both 5 wood or hybrid in their handbag.  It likewise works this style in the case of golf 5 wood vs 3 hybrid club in the 5 wood vs hybrid comparing.

5 Forest vs 3 Hybrid

The boilerplate thespian knows the difference in the purpose of golf 5 wood vs 3 hybrid.

Outset, in that location is a divergence in flight for 5 wood or hybrid. To compare 5 wood vs hybrid, 5 wood can easily brand shots that embrace 175 to 250 yards depending on the loft angle.

So if you lot're a long hitter and yous're choosing between 5 wood vs hybrid, going for the 5 wood social club would exist your all-time bet.

By and large, virtually golfers use 5 wood between 5 forest vs hybrid when a shot requires control. When it comes to golf v wood vs 3 hybrid, the former is longer, merely the latter hits more accurately.

The departure in society design and length makes five wood best in the fairway and tee shots when comparing golf 5 wood vs 3 hybrid.

5 Forest vs iv Hybrid

However, around the greenish, the comparison between five woods or hybrid, specifically golf game 5 wood vs iii hybrid and v wood vs 4 hybrid, comes in.

You tin use iii hybrids better on approach shots and hit a specific altitude to the dark-green between v wood vs 4 hybrid and golf 5 woods vs 3 hybrid.

When the wedge is challenging to use around the green, you might exist stuck between 5 forest vs 4 hybrid. Here, y'all'll exist able to get through with a four hybrid amend between 5 wood vs 4 hybrid.

The latter makes the all-time play in v wood vs iv hybrid, especially on approach shots into greens. In evaluating the friction match of v wood vs hybrid, y'all have to consider your current order fix.

As you can conclude with the golf game v woods vs 3 hybrid and 5 wood vs 4 hybrid debate, five wood matches well with hybrid clubs.

How does 3 wood match up with other hybrid clubs?

Now, we're going to look at the difference between 3 wood and hybrid equally well every bit 3 wood vs driver. We'll also take some other look at the divergence betwixt 3 hybrid and v wood.

We're going to compare 3 wood vs 3 hybrid and the departure between 3 hybrid and 5 wood to see which guild works all-time for different situations.

three Wood and Hybrid

Often, newbies error iii wood vs 3 hybrid to exist like. Not knowing the departure between 3 woods and hybrid can ruin your play.

Here nosotros'll look at the 3 main difference between 3 wood and hybrid:

  • Straight shots
  • Consistency
  • Accuracy and altitude Shots

Straight Shots

In comparing three hybrid vs 3 woods, three wood's pattern makes 1 fe play easier. Meanwhile, three hybrid makes hitting long atomic number 26 from the fairway easier.

Information technology'southward because betwixt 3 hybrid vs 3 wood, the latter has a shorter shaft that makes it easier to control for straight shots.


Furthermore, another difference betwixt 3 woods and hybrid is 3 hybrids have a dorsum weighting in the head. It results in a higher launching of the ball.

Hence, between 3 wood vs 3 hybrid, three wood provides better consistency because of its shorter shaft.

Accuracy and Distance Shots

3 hybrid works just fine for accuracy between iii wood vs three hybrid.

However, between iii hybrid vs iii wood, iii wood ensures more accurateness because of its greater loft. This also goes for distance shots between 3 hybrid vs 3 wood for professionals.

This is because, for pro-golfers' swing skills, it's challenging to plan shots with iii hybrid between 3 hybrid vs iii wood. The main difference betwixt three wood and hybrid is three forest is more than suitable for professionals.

Meanwhile, 3 hybrids would piece of work all-time between 3 woods vs iii hybrid for amateurs.

3 Wood vs Driver

Now, let's wait into the comparing between 3 forest vs driver.

Since fairway woods are easier to striking than a driver, you tin utilise 3 woods as an alternative that is easy to hitting. However, the downside is between iii wood vs driver, the former doesn't go as far.

For many players, 3 forest is preferable between 3 wood vs commuter. This is because between 3 forest vs commuter, information technology is more versatile and can provide enough altitude off the tee.

With the correct skills, you can efficiently use three wood to your advantage when comparing iii forest vs driver.

iii Hybrid and 5 Wood

The primary divergence between iii hybrid and 5 wood is its altitude capacity. While 5 wood is all-time for tee shots on short par 4, 3 hybrid don't go equally far.

The length deviation betwixt 3 hybrid and 5 wood makes differentiates it from each other. This difference between 3 hybrid and 5 woods makes v wood best in the fairway.

However, if you lot need a club to hit out of the rough, the bending of assail in 3 hybrid's shot is way better.

Knowing the difference between 3 hybrid and 5 forest can save yous the hassle in choosing your club.

How does 2 hybrid match upwardly with other wood clubs?

In general, the design of ii hybrid makes it a versatile social club that you can utilize in high grass and difficult lies.

It also works excellently in sweeping the ball of the turf. It delivers straighter shots and can supplant 2 iron.

Here, we'll compare the difference between 2 hybrid vs 3 wood and ii hybrid vs five forest.

2 hybrid vs 3 forest

When it comes to the ease of play between 2 hybrid vs 3 wood, a 2 hybrid might piece of work meliorate off the deck and on tricky lies. Players typically use 3 woods for off tee shots and on brusque par 4s.

Between 2 hybrid vs 3 wood, the former tin too assist you perform ameliorate on fairways. It provides more accurate shots that is great for consistency.

Meanwhile, 3 wood tin result in hit inconsistencies.

As 2 hybrid provides more than control when comparison 2 hybrid vs 3 wood, information technology helps achieve lower flying. This is helpful when you're playing in windy conditions.

On the other manus, 3 wood covers more than distance than 2 hybrid because of its shorter shaft.

When it comes to rolling and trajectory, between two hybrid vs three wood, in that location is minimum rolling with a 3 wood. This difference results from the deviation in trajectory of ii hybrid vs 3 wood.

Information technology is considering of the depression trajectory of 2 hybrid and the loftier trajectory of 3 wood.

2 hybrid vs 5 wood

For 2 hybrid vs wood, hybrid tends to fly lower than the wood from the rough. Furthermore, when playing from the fairway, 5 wood tin cover more than distance than ii hybrid betwixt ii hybrid vs forest.

Equally has been mentioned, 2 hybrids are generally more versatile for different situations.

It also applies to the 2 hybrid vs 5 wood comparison. 2 hybrid is more than suitable in tight lies and around the greens when comparing 2 hybrid vs 5 forest.

Moreover, between 2 hybrid vs 5 wood, 2 hybrid provides more consistent shots and greater command while playing. It allows you to launch the ball higher to achieve a soft landing.

How does 7 woods friction match up with other wood clubs?

Among woods clubs, vii wood is a good choice when making long shots on the course. This as well holds with 7 woods vs hybrid or seven fairway wood vs hybrid (specifically, seven fairway forest vs iii hybrid).

As information technology is easier to striking than other clubs, it is suitable for both amateurs and professionals.

With 7 wood vs hybrid, we volition look into and compare the difference betwixt:

  • Distance range
  • Consistency
  • Off the tee shots
  • Swinging
  • Which works as a replacement?
  • Clubhead size

Altitude Range

Between 7 wood vs hybrid, the former can conveniently embrace up a distance of up to 230 yards. It makes 7 forest a common choice between 7 wood vs hybrid, which also applies to vii fairway wood vs 3 hybrid.


When information technology comes to consistency between 7 fairway woods vs 3 hybrid, 3 hybrid risks a hazard of inconsistent shots. However, hybrid works better on the rough between 7 wood vs hybrid.

Off the Tee Shots

For off the tee shots, 7 woods is more suitable betwixt seven fairway wood vs iii hybrid. On the other hand, 3 hybrid can encompass every bit far as a bulldoze off the tee.


When it comes to swinging between 7 fairway wood vs 3 hybrid, yous may observe the former relatively easier to hit. Between vii wood vs hybrid, you tin can easily hit it upwardly to 165 yards with a soft landing.

Replacement Club

Also, for 7 fairway wood vs three hybrid, the fairway works as a replacement for both 3 iron and 3 hybrid. Information technology has a complement of length and loft that makes it perfect as a replacement for the said clubs.

Clubhead Size

The larger head size of 7 woods betwixt 7 fairway wood vs three hybrid makes it more convenient at the address position.

Information technology also provides more than loft for added flexibility over obstacles and long drops between 7 fairway forest vs hybrid.

To sum, betwixt 7 fairway woods vs hybrid, the 7 woods is usually the go-to of nigh golfers. When looking at 7 fairway woods vs hybrid, the 7 wood gives y'all more than advantage.

Information technology is undecayed and flexible plenty to brand you confident around the grade.

7 Fairway Wood vs. Hybrid

Equally mentioned, many golfers adopt the utilize of a 7 fairway wood vs hybrid golf clubs, but why is that?

Betwixt 7 fairway wood vs hybrid, 7-wood is known to be the best pick of replacement for a three- and 4- hybrid order.

This is because a 7-wood has a more than massive caput than a hybrid gild giving the golfers an advantage by making the shots easier just by accurately addressing the position.

A 7-forest also has a 22 degrees loft, which is 8 degrees higher than the hybrid clubs. In the alpine grass, the higher loft makes it easier to hit off the brawl.

In terms of length, information technology is ane-inch shorter, merely this makes it an platonic choice if yous want your shot to be more consequent and easier.

To sum it up, using a 7 fairway wood vs hybrid gives golfer advantages because of its head shape, loft, and length.

Practise you lot hit fairway woods like irons?

Fairway Woods vs Irons

Y'all might as well wonder about which golf club is better between fairway woods vs irons. High-lofted wood are generally more preferred past about people than 2-,3-, or four-irons when it comes to green patches.

This is because the larger the size of the club head of your fairway wood, the easier information technology is for you to hit longer shots without swinging too difficult.

It is known to golfers that a 4-woods tin supersede a 2-iron, a 5-forest for a iii-atomic number 26, a seven- wood for a 4-atomic number 26, and a ix-woods for a 5-atomic number 26

FAIRWAY-LL thoughts

This hybrid vs fairway wood chart hopes to give answers to that fence in your listen.

Whether it is about "hybrid golf clubs vs fairway woods," "fairway metal vs. fairway wood," or "fairway wood vs irons".

It is all-time to know your opinion, swinging techniques, the specifications of each clubs, and what aspects of your game yous want to amend on. Ezoic

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Source: https://www.onthegolfgreen.com/hybrid-vs-fairway-wood-chart-which-club-is-best/

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