A sore pharynx is a common reason to encounter a physician. Most of the time, it is a symptom of allergies, a common cold, or the flu. While a sore pharynx can be painful, it is ordinarily non serious.

However, when a throat is sore on but one side, it may be a sign of a different illness or condition.

In this article, nosotros wait at nine possible causes of a sore pharynx on ane side. We as well discuss when to see a dr...

Sore throat on one side in man holding sides of neck. Share on Pinterest
Some illnesses and conditions cause soreness on but 1 side of the throat.

The body'southward lymph nodes deed as filters, helping to identify and trap germs, such equally viruses and bacteria, before they can infect other areas. As they do this, the lymph nodes may great up and become sore.

The lymph nodes closest to the throat are on either side of the neck. These nodes can crusade a feeling of soreness when they become swollen or inflamed.

Many illnesses and infections pb to swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes only 1 node in the surface area is sore, which can crusade a sore throat on one side.

Some atmospheric condition that may atomic number 82 to bloated lymph nodes include:

  • a cold or flu
  • strep throat
  • an ear infection
  • an infected tooth, or tooth abscess
  • mononucleosis, sometimes chosen "mono"
  • infections in the skin
  • cancer
  • HIV

Many common viral illnesses, such as a common cold or flu, tin cause a sore throat. In these cases, the throat may only exist sore on one side.

When the olfactory organ is congested, mucus and fluid bleed down the back of the throat. This is known as postnasal drip. Continual drainage can irritate the throat, leading to a feeling of soreness or scratchiness.

A specific function of the throat may get more irritated by drainage. It may feel like one side is raw and inflamed.

Antibiotics cannot treat or weaken viral illnesses. If a cold, flu, or another viral illness is causing the sore throat, treatment will likely involve balance and fluids.

Tonsillitis describes inflammation of one or more tonsil. The tonsils are located at the back of the throat, and a virus or bacterium usually causes the infection and inflammation.

An infection in but one tonsil tin cause pain on one side. It may besides cause a fever, problem swallowing, and noisy animate.

Bacterial tonsillitis usually resolves with antibody handling.

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A peritonsillar abscess requires immediate medical attention.

An abscess is a contained, pus-filled lump within tissue. It is usually acquired by a bacterial infection.

A peritonsillar abscess forms in the tissues near the tonsils, usually when tonsillitis becomes astringent or is left untreated. It may crusade intense hurting on one side of the pharynx. It may also crusade fever, swollen lymph nodes, and trouble swallowing.

A person with a peritonsillar abscess requires urgent medical care. In astringent cases, it can interfere with breathing.

The abscess may need to be drained by a physician. Antibiotics are also used to treat the underlying infection.

Many things tin can injure the dorsum of the mouth or pharynx, including:

  • burns from hot nutrient or liquid
  • food with abrupt edges, such as chips or crackers
  • endotracheal intubation, which is the insertion of a tube downward the throat to help with breathing

If one side of the throat is sore from being scraped or burned, gargling with warm salt h2o may help to soothe symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a status that causes the stomach's contents, including stomach acid, to support into the food pipage and throat.

GERD may be worse at night and when lying down. If tum acid backs up when a person is lying on their side, it may lead to soreness on one side of the throat.

Other symptoms of GERD include:

  • pain or burning in the middle of the breast
  • the feeling of a lump or object in the throat
  • hoarseness
  • a dry cough
  • burning in the rima oris

If GERD goes untreated for as well long, it can impairment the food pipe and throat. The condition is treatable with medications and lifestyle changes.

As the name implies, this viral illness usually causes sores to form on the hands, feet, and mouth. Sores can develop in the back of the mouth, near the sides of the throat, and 1 side may be more afflicted than the other.

Hand, pes, and mouth disease usually occurs in children nether 5 years of age, merely information technology can also spread to older children and adults.

The recommended treatment ordinarily comprises rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medication for pain relief. However, the illness tin cause aridity, specially in young children. A person should see a doctor if they are unable to drink.

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Vocal therapy and resting the vox may aid to treat vocal string lesions.

Overusing or misusing the vocalisation tin atomic number 82 to lesions or sores on the vocal cords. A lesion may class on one side, causing ane surface area of the pharynx to be sore.

A person with a vocal cord lesion will unremarkably notice a change in their phonation, such every bit hoarseness.

These types of lesions are ordinarily treatable. Resting the voice and vocal therapy are typically used to correct song string lesions. In some cases, lesions will crave surgery.

While they are among the least mutual causes of a sore pharynx, tumors tin can touch the pharynx and surrounding areas. They may be benign or malignant.

A tumor tin can cause soreness on one side of the pharynx. It may be located in the dorsum of the throat or tongue, or in the larynx, which is commonly known every bit the voice box.

Usually, a tumor volition also atomic number 82 to symptoms that practice not occur with common infections and illnesses.

Possible additional symptoms include:

  • a lump in the neck
  • a hoarse voice
  • noisy breathing
  • unexplained weight loss
  • blood in the saliva or encarmine phlegm
  • an ongoing cough

If a throat is sore on one side, the cause is usually a pocket-size viral infection, such as the common cold. Yet, information technology is important to run across a doctor if the post-obit symptoms also appear:

  • an inability to swallow or potable because of the sore throat
  • a severe sore pharynx that lasts for more seven days
  • swollen lymph nodes that go bigger as the sore throat feels better
  • difficulty breathing, or a feeling of the throat closing
  • trouble swallowing
  • a fever
  • pus in the back of the throat
  • body aches or articulation pain
  • an earache
  • a rash
  • claret in the mouth
  • coughing up blood
  • a lump in the neck
  • a sore throat that goes abroad and comes back
  • hoarseness that lasts for more 2 weeks

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